Mega Burger?   2013/2月/15 [金] 20:34

No, it’s the burger of Mel’s Drive Inn and then it’s a Mel Burger. It’s delicious.


We Are Satisfied!   2013/2月/15 [金] 20:35

We are satisfied.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Mel’s Famous Hamburgers   2013/2月/15 [金] 20:36

They are thick and delicious!


Popular Milkshake   2013/2月/15 [金] 20:48

We ordered the butterscotch milkshake recommended by Eleanor.
It’s not so thick. While eating, we continue to eat adding remained milkshake in a silver cup.






映画祭テッド博士と   2013/2月/15 [金] 20:54


Toward the twenty fourth   2013/2月/15 [金] 20:59

Broadcasting rooms and the seats for the audience are prepared with banked rows of seating.
Hollywood Boulevard is closed completely from the seventeenth.


Valentine’s Day Sand   2013/2月/15 [金] 21:00

It’s tuna sandwich. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Delicious   2013/2月/15 [金] 21:01

It was a famous restaurant.
We entered without knowing anything (*^^*)


Here, Upload The Blog   2013/2月/15 [金] 21:02

It’s a fancy restaurant. (*^^*)


Recommended Resting Place   2013/2月/15 [金] 21:06

This is the restaurant used for filming.
It reminds me of my past.