15th Floor

My room is on 15th floor, I can go to a terrace but it’s fence is so low!

I can’t reach the fence!

Jet Star Flight group

Getting togather again

We give thanks to God to arrive a hotel safely!

Thank you for your prayer!

Jet Star Flight group


Even night view is also beautiful!

Jet Star Flight group

From now

We have dinner!

I heard that Nick and Anya, his wife who we met on the first day will  come!

Jet Star Flight group

Nick and his wife

We are waiting for Nick and his wife!

Pastor Yoshiko is making contact with them!

We thank for her works!

Jet Star Flight group

Nick and his wife

I heard that they come late.

Jet Star Flight group

From Japan

It seems like Japanease high school students are staying same hotel!

JEt Star Flight group

Nick and Anya

They have arrived !

Jet star Flight group


From now we are going to dinner!

Jet Star Flight group

Chinese restaurant

We come to a chinese restaurant, but here is so expensive, so we change a restaurant!

Jet Star Floght group