Now he is seeing us off

Pastor Akimoto comes to send off!

By the way, Pastor Sakai, who is standing next to Pastor Akimoto, you come with us!

See you on Sunday!

Pastor Akimoto sent off to the end!

To Gold Coast

We set off !

Let us do God’s will, protect Pastor Nakano, Pastor Yoshiko, and also Majikina not to do a careless thing!

Jet Star Group


We got on a highway safely!

Jet Star group

Little traffic jam

The road was crowded but now its better!

Thank God!

Jet Star group

Arrival at Gold Coast!

Thank you for your prayer!

Though a car navigation is broken, we had no probrem, we could reach at Gold Coast safely!

Thank God!

Jet Star group


Grand Chalenser Hotel

We are looking for a hotel.

Jet Star group


Taking a break at Mc

We stop by at a McDonald’s for the rest!

Jet Star group

Pastor Yoshiko

She is checking a location of the hotel by iPad!

Jet Star group


While we are at McDonald’s

I have a Mc smoothie, too!

Jet Star group