いよいよ   2013/7月/11 [木] 09:53


It’s 3 o’clock! Gather round^_^ 1   2013/7月/11 [木] 09:55

These are the mission staff.

It’s 3 c’clock! Gather round ^_^ 2   2013/7月/11 [木] 09:55

到着です   2013/7月/11 [木] 09:56


It’s 3 o’clock! Gather round ^_^ 3   2013/7月/11 [木] 09:58



It was said that early morning prayer would start at 7:30 am, and breakfast at 8:00 am!

まだ外は暗く   2013/7月/11 [木] 09:58


The land of Patmos   2013/7月/11 [木] 10:01

We met at a lobby at 3:15 am.  Soon, we will get off a ship.

ホテルへ   2013/7月/11 [木] 10:02


Everybody is here?   2013/7月/11 [木] 10:03


Here are so many passengers, Pastor Timothy Kobayashi is counting our members at the last.


皆同じホテル   2013/7月/11 [木] 10:04
