play back3 路上ライブ   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:49


I bought mineral water.   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:51

It was two euros for six bottle ♪

Arrived at Skala Hotel   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:52

Go for dinner!   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:54

They say the praising band is singing live on the street at the lamb rib restaurant ♪

pray back4 路上ライブ   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:54

柏教会Safaiyaの、初のパトモス路上ライブ。Prais Himを賛美しました。

The praising band   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:56

They were singing (^-^)/

They are singing “Dance!”   2013/7月/12 [金] 03:58

Some people at the restaurant and a German Christian were listening to them(o^^o) Halleluiah ♪

pray back5 路上ライブ   2013/7月/12 [金] 04:00


pray back6 路上ライブ   2013/7月/12 [金] 04:04


pray back 夕食時   2013/7月/12 [金] 04:09
