プレイバック ガラス像   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:33


What guide has to say   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:33


The guide said the person in charge at this place stopped the sound of the instrument. So we have to move quickly.

プレイバック アクロポリスの丘   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:34


Thankful service   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:35


Our guide showed us more good location. Thanks.

アテネのホテルのボーイ   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:35


WIFIがやっと繋がる!   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:35


More good site   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:37


We moved to the site where there were benches under the shade of a tree, and we kept having the service again.

神の言葉を受ける   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:38

テモテ小林牧師・ショートメッセージ 申命記8章3節 人はパンだけで生きるのではなく、神の言葉から働きが始まっていく。

Receive the Word of God   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:43


Pastor Timothy gave us a short message from Deuteronomy 8:3, saying, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

礼拝・後半   2013/7月/10 [水] 20:48
