Check-in counter   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:49

Our team members   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:50

Procedure   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:52

The mission staffers announce, “Please show your e-tickets and passports.”

映像班   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:52


To take our seats   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:53


“Aisle seats! Aisle seats!”

Check-in counter   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:54

“Everybody, please take aisle seats!”

ブレックファースト渋滞^_^   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:56

Preparation   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:56


“If we can take aisle seats, it’s easy to go to a restroom.” he said.

Talking about mileage   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:57

They probably take aisle seats.

Security check   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:58