From Keisei Ueno   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:07


Three members start at Keisei Ueno Station.

Gathering place   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:09


I found out where we should meet. We’ll gather at 8:55 a.m.

Three members   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:10


Three members from Keisei Ueno will be riding the Skyliner No 11.

Kobayashi citizens   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:13


We’re heading for the Airport through a land called “Kobayashi”.

Platform 2   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:17


I’m checking the Platform 2 which we have to use.

First time   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:18


This is Yuka. She is a diligent worker.

カンタンカンタン   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:19


Keyboard   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:19


He has a keyboard.

Pair   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:22

How flattering…\(//∇//)\

They’re like sisters.

Power to transform?   2013/7月/09 [火] 10:25


When she puts off her cap, she looks like another person.