特別 立地の良さ!   2013/2月/16 [土] 19:53


Well done !!!   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:04

It is 15th, before 12a.m.
It looks good on both of them. The helper became in good shape!!(*^^*)

Transformation   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:11

Big transform !!
Is it a first and last time such exprience in my life ??
Anyway I guess he wore it well.

誰でしょう? 1   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:11

誰でしょう? 2   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:12

誰でしょう? 3   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:13

誰でしょう? 4   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:13

Gifts ??   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:14

It was a part of dish for press.
It had hamburg steak, vegetable chips and salad.
Nice chips !!!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

City walk 2   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:16

I think it may be “King Kong”.

City walk 3   2013/2月/16 [土] 20:18

Delicious shrimp.( ´ ▽ ` )ノ