神の言葉を!   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:13


North point   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:15


We receive the Word of God.

And…   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:16


West point

Last   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:17


We received the Word of God toward the south point.

Spiritual Warfare at the Tower   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:20

We have done the spiritual warfare toward all four points, the North and South and East and West at the Sydney Tower.

お土産   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:23


Souvenirs   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:32












There’re many souvenirs in the Sydney Tower.

これから   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:36


From now   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:40

From now, after the Sydney Tower, we’re heading for Government House and Rocks to receive the Word of God.

昨日の   2013/4月/17 [水] 11:01
