Safely   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:47


We got on the car safely.

First   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:48


In the beginning, we’re heading for the Sydney Tower.

It’s the second tallest tower in the Southern Hemisphere.

From the bottom   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:49


This is the Sydney Tower.
I photograph it from the bottom.

It’s so tall!

In preparation   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:50

We’re preparing to enter the Sydney Tower.

Sydney Tower   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:51


Before going to the Tower, we wear the 3D glasses.

Lift   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:52


We’re lifted to the Tower.

Arrival at the Tower!   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:54


What a lovely view!

Four points   2013/4月/17 [水] 09:55


First, we receive the Word at the east point.

次は北です。   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:11


そして   2013/4月/17 [水] 10:12
