Helter‐skelter   2014/01/21



We arrived at the apartment of Pastor Asano.

Pastor Akimoto called Mission office in Tokyo, and after that they called each other sometime!


Since it is 11 in the night, we can’t call United airline office in USA directly to ask the cause of the cancelation.


We think the cause of cancelation of the flight from YN to Washington might be a cold wave and snow by a weather chart…

By the internet news, it is going to be around -20℃, much snow, and strong wind!


We found there is only one vacant seat for the first flight from NY starts 6:19AM tomorrow morning, and we booked the seat!
(We heard all of seven flights after this flight have been canceled already)

If even this flight had been canceled, Pastor Asano will drive Pastor Akimoto to Washington DC.

Please pray for this mutter!