Then   2014/3月/28 [金] 19:03

I make benediction and finish the meeting!

Prayer for healing   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:05

Paster Akimoto prays for healing of the right foot of the one that  come in guests.

By a live singing voice   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:11

He sings  by a live singing voice at the place selling CD.


Goods   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:14


They buy them, and it does well!

Shopping   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:17

They just do shopping(・ω・)ノ

Camera officer   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:18

The photographer of the guest takes a group photo, too!

Photographers   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:20

Taking photos!

Constant seller   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:52



Group photo!

Spiritrio   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:54

It seems to be the group name which  bet  spirit and  trio on!

Beautiful harmony   2014/3月/28 [金] 20:56


They sing the gospel of opera!

We feel like to see a movie!