Good old days   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:17

Hey, look at us!

Speaking of a story which is handed down in Patmos is about John, who was a baby at the time of the First Patmos team.


Guide   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:18

On the way, is this a guide? or a guidance from God?

Almost there   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:22

We are coming close to the cave of John.

An entrance of a rest room.

We arrived at last   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:29

When we look up, already people of taxi group have been there.

They have been absorbed in their prayer, as if they did warp.

Togather   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:31

All members are assembled.

The scene of worshiping  to the Lord.

Praying to God   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:32

Praying to God 2   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:33

Midday   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:35

It is noon, we are separated in two, one group return, the other remain in the cave.

Way   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:38

People who want to go back are following Pastor Paul Akimoto.

In droves   2013/7月/11 [木] 21:40

“O.k. cross the road quickly, before a car comes.”