プレイバック イスタンブール空港 販売機   2013/7月/18 [木] 04:10


Cooler than last year   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:04

This is the photo just before leaving the hotel. In Istanbul, it’s cooler than last year. The wind is breezy.

プレイバック スチュワーデスさん?コックさん?   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:13


Lounge   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:15

Pastor Paul is writing for our magazine, Pastor Timothy is reading the Bible, and Pastor Sakaki and I work diligently for updating the blog.


Blogger   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:17


Hanna gives us fresh updates every day! Thank you.

Flight attendant? or Chef?   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:20


This is one of the staffers of the Turkish Airline. She greeted us at the boarding gate.

只今のフライト   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:36


Flight information   2013/7月/18 [木] 09:39


We’ll arrive at Narita airport in under one hour!

成田到着   2013/7月/18 [木] 10:25


We arrived at Narita airport   2013/7月/18 [木] 10:30


We arrived at Narita airport safely.

Thank you for your prayers.