Breakfast at Skata Hotel   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:41


She’s cooking for us every morning.

She loves Japan!

Today   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:42

Early morning prayer starts!

Morning and night   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:44


This room is a restaurant in the morning, and in the evening, it changes for our conference.

Breakfast now   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:49



Boiled egg. It’s hot!


From all over the world   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:52


We have breakfast at a terrace with guests from all over the world.

ευχαριστω   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:56


“Thank you” means “ευχαριστω” in Greek. For that matter, I remained of a gospel group called “Euqaristias”.

Announcement   2013/7月/13 [土] 14:58


Pastor Tanibuch’ singing team will sing at a time of special music in our conference today.

Prayer and Bible   2013/7月/13 [土] 15:00


After having breakfast, he has a devotional time.

Good condition   2013/7月/13 [土] 15:07

During the mission trip, she serves as a videographer and feels well.

ありがとう!   2013/7月/13 [土] 15:16
