Group of UA   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:12

They get relaxed! Be careful not to feel like a tourist.



Group of UA   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:14

We have light meal, that looks healthy so much!


Group of CH, Oh!   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:17

Watching the blog, they are saying to the picture of the group of UA with light meal,”Oh!”
The group of CH is going to check in now!


Group Of CH, In The Process Of   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:19


Finally, they reached the counter!
They are in the process!


Group of CH, Finished Check-In   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:20

They finished check-in!
All of them are aisle side!


Group Of CH, Students On The School Trip   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:23

Students on the school trip are on line for luggage check! It is crowded!


Group of UA, In Lounge   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:30

Each of them is spending a time in a slow pace or is calling a phone for business until the time of boarding.


Group of UA, Shower   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:31

It looks that Pastor Paul took a shower.


Group of CH, Left The Country!   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:32

Group of China Air left the country without problems!


Group of CH, Arrival At The Gate   2013/2月/18 [月] 21:33

Reaching the gate, they have a prayer time now.