Group of UA   2013/2月/18 [月] 19:49

This time, Pastor Nagato became in charge of setting up. He brings instruments for setting up.


Group of UA   2013/2月/18 [月] 19:52

Because we can’t take liquid on the airplane, we throw away here.


Group Of CH, Even To Hawaii   2013/2月/18 [月] 19:55

Is Hajime going even to Hawaii with groves?


Group Of UA   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:26

This is a long line to luggage check. It’s never been this crowded.


Group Of CH, Alreaday   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:28

At the time of leaving, Pastor Kayano’s bag was town out. She is using with connecting.


Instruments Group of CH   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:33


This brings potable ones, too!
It’s compact by good packing like dumplings!


Group of CH, Where?   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:35


He is going to rent Wifi!
He is asking the information desk where it is.


Group of CH, Found!   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:38


Wifi rental shop was found!
We don’t know why but the mascot is Imoto!


Group of UA   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:39

We passed through luggage check without troubles!


Group of CH, First!   2013/2月/18 [月] 20:41


Checking Wifi!