13 pounds   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:33

The blousons which made solid design are sold at 13 pounds(about 1600yen)!

But we can’t find any rain coats.

さらに歩いて   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:39


Trench coats   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:39

We can find only trench coat (99 pounds) as rain coats at M&S.

We gave up to buy rain coats!  We bought the PRIMRK’s umbrells (4 pounds).

7 places   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:42

In these 7 places of Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, the Thames, Piccadilly Circus Saint Paul temple, the Tower of London, Big Ben, We put the word of God.

The works for London   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:47

We pray and put the word of God for starting the works of London.

Plese pray for us.


首相官邸   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:48


Mayer parade   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:54

The London’s mayer parade will be held today, we think hard to move by bus or taxy, then go by metro.

Departure   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:55

We leave the hotel now.

マック   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:56


First at the beginning   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:57

We go to Buckingham Palace by taxi.