Breakfast4   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:08

Roast beef and salmon too.^_^


3箇所目   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:10


喜びの声、賛美の声   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:17


Breakfast5   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:17

Many fruits and cakes! Thanks all at Hyatt Regency.

We can eat many other food!

Be continued tomorrow.(^O^)

London today   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:21

It’s rainy, the highest temperature is 9 centi degree.

We will put the word of God at several places today. Please pray for us.

Go outside   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:25

It’s rainy in London!

We are going to buy rain coats because of being outside all  day today!

ロンドンアイ   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:26


テムズ川   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:28


PRIMARK   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:29

Amazing price. We find our rain coats in this store.


主の勝利   2012/11月/10 [土] 11:31
