2013/4月/17 [水] 17:43


Second day service in Sydeny   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:52


John prepares for setting up the second day service.
Starting at 6:30 p.m.

Before starting our service   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:53


We have a quiet time before starting a service.

Worship service   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:54


Our worship service has started.
Pastor Shibahasi is an MC.

礼拝   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:56


Praise in the first half   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:58


Pastor Nakano leads praise and worship.

Holy Communion   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:58


The Holy Communion was done.

Testimony   2013/4月/17 [水] 17:59


Pastor Suzuki shares his testimony with us.

Special Praise   2013/4月/17 [水] 18:00


After offering, now we have a time of special praise by “La Spousa”.

中野牧師のメッセージ   2013/4月/17 [水] 18:01
