Sydney   2013/4月/15 [月] 20:21


We’ll fly to Sydney from Synagogal.

The boarding time is 7:45 p.m. in local time.

Lounge   2013/4月/15 [月] 20:21


We enter the lounge.

Delicious   2013/4月/15 [月] 20:23

We enjoy delicious cuisine at the lounge.

Inside   2013/4月/15 [月] 20:24

Just like that.

Arrival at Syngapol   2013/4月/15 [月] 21:00


We’re looking for a place to pray.

Our flight is departing in two hours.

It was cold inside our plane   2013/4月/15 [月] 21:03


Inside our plane, it was cold.

The temperature is 32 degrees.

How about Sydney?

Charge   2013/4月/15 [月] 21:05


In the lounge, we can charge.

Carps swim   2013/4月/15 [月] 21:09


I can see carps in a pond from the lounge.

再び   2013/4月/16 [火] 05:43


到着!   2013/4月/16 [火] 05:52
