Waiting   2013/06/12


We’re waiting for opening gate.

At Frankfurt   2013/06/12


Pastor Paul is checking our blogs at Frankfurt.

BMW   2013/06/12




A BMW displays at the airport, too.

It’s so cool!

Open   2013/06/12


Gate for Dresden is opened 20 minutes behind.

Dresden   2013/06/12


It takes about 1 hour from Frankfurt to Dresden.

From now   2013/06/12

We’re boarding.

Our flight   2013/06/12


This is the inside of our flight.

Cockpit   2013/06/12




Flight to Dresden

Departure   2013/06/12

The plane is about to take off.

Pastor Shibahasi reads the Bible.

Arrival   2013/06/12

Our plane is flying over Dresden.