The second group   2013/06/13

The second car has come!

Preparing for the holy meeting   2013/06/13

They are preparing for the second holy meetng at Dresdene ♫

非常に祝福されています   2013/06/13


People are gathering   2013/06/13

Local people are gathering one after another.

The holy meeting has started   2013/06/13

The holy meeting has started with Pastor Hikaru being a MC ♫

一つに   2013/06/13


Praise   2013/06/13

The first-half praise time led by Pastor Suzuya’s team♫

Seminar   2013/06/13

Next, the seminar is being brought by Pastor Yumino.

メッセージ   2013/06/13


The holy Communion   2013/06/13

We are having the time of the Holy Communion tonight as well.