WFS Mission   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:52


The Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission made their financial report.

Show our hands   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:51


We showed our hands for the financial reports.

Seminary School   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:51


Our seminary school made their financial report.

Financial report of Film Mission   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:50


The Film Mission made their financial report.

Each financial report   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:49




Each department make a financial report.

Financial report   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:48


The Prayer Mission mad a report of their financial report.

Approved   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:47


After the time of questions and answers, our activities are approved.

General Reports   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:45


Pastor Paul Akimoto spoke to us about our activities. The Lord’s Cross Christian Center’s activities are expanding.

Table   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:43


Pastor Amagai and Pastor Sakaki sit the table as the staff of the meeting.

The Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission   2013/11月/30 [土] 13:42


Pastor Sugisawa told us about planting churches in the world.