Upgrade has completed   2013/1月/22 [火]

Merit ː High speed, Less energie

Demeritː Disposition of keyboard has changed, and I am setting up having a tough game.

As for Vista, each set up taken over, but need to install application again.

I will try to upgrade PC from Windows 7 to 8 tomorrow.


Strengthen security   2013/1月/22 [火]

The bag Pastor Kasahara left behind.
To strengthen the security, I will ask church office to keep it!

A box of Kakipi will do for the charge for this work.(^^)
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As I thought   2013/1月/22 [火]

Mr. fujita looks busy!

He is running around the church hall!

To recording   2013/1月/22 [火]

Pastor Kayano is preparing for the ecording of GIFTS’s CD!

You can buy their CD through iTunes!

Do your best in recording!

In every scene   2013/1月/22 [火]

Internet committee using newest equipments in every scene!
This application records the place you ran, time, calorie you spent, for diet.( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Subtlety   2013/1月/22 [火]

What the smile of two people means…⁈

History of church in Japan   2013/1月/22 [火]


Next class is History of church in Japan!
We are leaning about 26martyr of Nafasaki and Christian of Uragami!

打ち合わせ   2013/1月/22 [火]

Gospel Live TVの打ち合わせが始まりました!!!

However   2013/1月/22 [火]

I could install applications to windeow8
I think I can renew Homepage safely.
Pastor S of S church, I will renew it with highest technology during today, so please wait for a little more time.


説教   2013/1月/22 [火]

