All of a sudden but…   2013/1月/22 [火]

Here, this is “Voice clock” which I recommend.
It is useful when I am busy in the morning!
It tells me the time every 60 seconds.
It is alittle annoying though.(・ω・)ノ

な、なんと、、、   2013/1月/22 [火]

Vista の場合は、ソフトが全部消えてしまうようです。



Unexpected!!   2013/1月/22 [火]

When Pastor Akimoto was waiting for Pastor Kubota’s Toyoya Noah, he suddenly came in this small car!!

It’s surprising and too cute for him!

But it’s a very neat car.

Pastor Akimoto is going home.
He is going to serve in Hokuriku holy services for 3 days from tomorrow!

There will be blog coming up, too.  Please have a look!


Homepage   2013/1月/22 [火]

Ms. Koda, who is in charge of checking Homepage. She loves to sing praise too. I heard she sang in a coffee shop near the church the other day. This is a picter of that time.

What can I do?   2013/1月/22 [火]


My 1-year-old daughter cannot sleep, at 23:50.   What can I do?


I am doing my side job   2013/1月/22 [火]

I am working as a part time job now, but sinve I remembered that my homework to do, so I am working on it.^_^

From iPhone…   2013/1月/22 [火]


At 0:15 , my daughter finally slept ~

When I saw iPhone that she was playing with, 4 Applications were gone!! (+o+)

She is gonna be a great girl!


3rd day   2013/1月/22 [火]



Worship leader   2013/1月/22 [火]

Today’s worship leader is pastor Mori of Internet Committee.

UP grade   2013/1月/22 [火]



I got a permission of up grading Windows 8 Pro from the president,

I up grad PC from now.

And I will up grad my PC too?

