Good morning!   2013/1月/22 [火]

The warmth of blanket before I wake, I like it…
Now, new day starts!
(Picture:I was impressed that three‐dimensional snowman!)

English iPad   2013/1月/22 [火]



I am reading the E-book “Prophecy” using iPad.

English version “Prophecy” written by Paul Akimoto is on sale from Astone.



お昼高い!   2013/1月/22 [火]


Tidying up after the worship service   2013/1月/22 [火]

Sunday school tidying up is not done yet.  I need to tidy up piano and guitar now, and have to go now, because I have another appointment.(´・∀・`)

A bear   2013/1月/22 [火]

Good morning!

Before going work.

Which do you think looks more like a bear?

Class of “Prophecy” now   2013/1月/22 [火]

We have class of  “Prophecy” after the 7th worship service.
Pastor Maeda is the lecturer.

We are the students.   2013/1月/22 [火]

We are the students.


Treasurer   2013/1月/22 [火]

We are using sofa to count money, because the office is used by “Prophecy” class.        <amagai>

The exam for entrance   2013/1月/22 [火]

Good morning.
Today, I escort my daughter for entrance examination for senior high school.

Prophecy class   2013/1月/22 [火]

Prophecy class practice has started now.
