
There is a yoga booth next to this store and

I did not know what to do when a shop clerk highly recommended me to do.

St. Louis Holy Meeting, Grace

(Sask. writes this for Grace)

Arriving time

This is where Mr. Akimoto comes from.

It is almost an arriving time.
St. Louis Holy Meeting, Grace

(Sask. writes this for Grace)


Mr. Akimoto

Mr. Akimoto arrived.

He came out.

St. Louis Holy Meeting, Grace

(Sask. writes this for Grace)


Resting at the Hotel


We got lost on a way to the hotel, but since we had a navigator system,

we were re able to get to the hotel safety.

It seems like he is a little tired. Please pray.

Grace, at the waiting room.


Arrived at the hotel

Mr. Akimoto is going to rest for a while.

St. Louis Holy Meeting, Grace

(Sasaki. writes this for Grace)


At the hotel lobby

Mr. Hoyt.

St. Louis Holy Meeting, Grace

(Sasaki. writes this for Grace)

Seminar on Prophecy

We finished the seminar.

We are having a break time.

St. Louis Holy Meeting, Grace

(Sasaki. writes this for Grace)

St. Louis Holy Meeting


Revival has begun.


セミナー 、聖会みな無事に終わり、秋元さんをホテルまで送りました。









ニューヨーク nアサノ