
The work of spiritual gifts

Don’t quit and keep doing under the supervision of church.

God’s Healing

He is concretely explaining with five patterns

1) Basic
2) Repentance
3) His words
4) Faith= believing we have already received
5) Testing

Break Time

Even if they are told to behave as usual, they are just looking at the camera.


Break Time

They look so fun.

Special Song

Time of Praise And Worship Led By Pastor Akimoto

Psalm 24
Rejoice Always
The Joy of The Lord Is Strength

Time of Praise And Worship By Pastor Akimoto

In Any Circumstances

Video of The Orphanage in Zambia

They are watching a video of the Orphanage in Zambia.

Thank you for your help, Pastor D & T!


Judges 6:13-14


Gideon, A Weak Man

Gideon was a weak dowdy man in Manasseh, a weakest tribe in the 12 tribes.
In those days, he never had ability to solve fear toward the Midianites.