15 会衆賛美

IMG_1492 のコピー





IMG_1495 のコピー




プレイバック 2月17日

IMG_1501 のコピー IMG_1482 のコピー





God bless you all!




Playback 1

100MEDIA$IMAG27761  Roll Sushi brought for us is very delicious!:)  Thank you so much for Okonomiyaki.

Los Angeles Church

Playback 2

写真 1-1

It is hard to eat all the  snack during a 20-minuite break between a seminar and a Charismatic meeting :)
LA Church

Playback 3

写真 2-3 のコピー  There is a friendly atomosphere.  Many like dumplings and Kashiwa mochi(rice cake).  We have petite cream puffs as well ^^

LA Church

Play back 4

写真 5 A 93-year-old fine-looking guest from Japan has also came over.  She is in a wheel chair, but she says there is nothing wrong about her.   She spends three months of summer in Switzerland and three months of winder in LA; as for the rest of the time she spends spring and autumn in Japan.  WOW!!  How wonderful ^^  Los Angeles Church


Play back 5

100MEDIA$IMAG27721 It seems like they are having a stand-up meal.  Sorry.  Pastor Akimoto had been standing up all the time; I’ve noticed that by looking at the picture.   I apologize for it.   Los Angeles Church

Play back 6

写真 4 Michael has attended the meeting for the first time.  Kento-kun translates very well! Thank you for your service. :)       Los Angeles Church


Play back 7

写真 3-1 They are friends who come to Monday worship services.  I thank T-san for the refreshments she brings for us always.  Mr. Toichi has also enjoyed them!    Los Angeles Church


Play back 8

IMAG2775  This is the best room for fellowship.  It is bright and cute.  We use this room after Sunday and Monday worship services.   Los Angeles Church