The winner of first round

20150317-190438.jpg is Maeda-san who is a member of Itami Church!

She says she wanted to win this game.

Second round

We’ll do the best!

The winner of second round is

20150317-190720.jpg Kouta who won the game yesterday!

Final round

Final round has started!
Maeda-san (Itami Church) VS Kouta ( from Vancouver, Canada)!

The winner is…?

Maeda-san (Itami Church)!  Congratulation!

Holy conference has started!

Holy conference of Monday, March 17 has started!

Praise and worship

We have a time of praise and worship! The worship leader is Yumino-san.

Special song

Special song, Israel Maeda
“Longing for a heavenly country”


Sasaki-san (LA Church) is sharing her testimony.

Special song

Special song, Yorokabi Kihara!
“Holy city Jerusalem”