Blessing   2012/11月/06 [火]

We praise “hallelujah”, and with Blessing the Charismatic meeing at Lon beach hotel would finish br />

Words of the wisdom and knowledge   2012/11月/06 [火]

After message Words of the wisdom and knowledge is />

Iced tea   2012/11月/06 [火]

A fabletemptation Iced tea is told.

Testimony   2012/11月/06 [火]

But we don’t have power to listen and obey. In a time of trial, we have to pray and ask to the Lord, and we have to get His />

Revival   2012/11月/06 [火]

In the message it is told when we see the a document of Revival, “To pray and listen and obey to the Lord” is the most important point.

Giving glory to the Lord   2012/11月/06 [火]

There will be difficulties, but the Lord will reveal His glory. The message is telling us the importance
of giving glory to the Lord at that time.

Sudan   2012/11月/06 [火]

Pastor Paul is telling us he will go to Sudan as a reply to Rev. Benjamin.

Message 2   2012/11月/06 [火]

Pastor Paul told us. Fish in a river of baptism was offensive.

今日の予定   2012/11月/06 [火]


ロンビーチ、最後の   2012/11月/06 [火]


Messgae   2012/11月/06 [火]

From Genesis 12:1

Pastor Paul’s praise time 2   2012/11月/06 [火]

Deep presence of the Lord is here.

おはようございます   2012/11月/06 [火]

イスラエルチーム9日目。今日もチームの最新情報を写真と共にお届けして行きます。Check it up !

Pastor Paul’s Praise time 1   2012/11月/06 [火]

Short message 2   2012/11月/06 [火]

Pastor Peter Nagato.
Epistle to the Ephesians6:13

Short messagge   2012/11月/06 [火]

Pastor Phoebe Ohta!
She is giving a message powrfully from Psalms 119:71 .

Afer her testimony   2012/11月/06 [火]

Jeshurun who looks at her mother.(^∇^)

Testimony 2   2012/11月/06 [火]

New Ms Jeshurun who also was baptized today.☆

Testimony   2012/11月/06 [火]

Ms JOY who was baptized today.☆

Big smile   2012/11月/06 [火]

Ms JOY who was baptized today♪