Tour Guide

A tour guide is explaining about this place!

Concurrent Post

She hold the responsibility for video taking for some time, for nursing for some time, and for luggage for some time.
Now, whose bag?

Victoria Park

We are getting near Victoria Park.
It is supposed to be ten minute walk from Viaduct Harbour we went last……f^_^;


Victoria Park Market

We worship God in Victoria Park Market.
It’s the park with large lawn.




Big Tree

There is a big tree in the park!


There is an area of white sand in the open space with grass in Victoria Park Market.
For what is it used?
Is it possible to do for cat?

To Albert Park

We are going up the slope for Albert Park.
My heart is beating.

Ibis Hotel

Here’s Ibis Hotel, the same one as we stayed in Christchurch.


Albert Park

A kind young man was guiding the way for us.