


The atmosphere of the lobby is dark a little and calm.
We were permitted to check into a room and will go out for meal after leaving luggages.

In The Lobby

In waiting for check-in, she is relaxed.
Ms. Iga also is fine.

For Luch

We will go out for lunch.
There are a ramen restaurant and a sushi restaurant near the hotel.
Then, where are we going?


Sushi Restaurant

We are standing in line at a Sushi shop near the hotel.


First, we fill our appetite. Let’s eat!


She is from Kansai region. It’s true that Ms. Iga loves Takoyaki!

Looking Glum

These two look glum.


We Got Full

We are stuffed. Nothing in plastic cases.



Crab salad and chicken rice ball.
Ten cents were discounted for ten dollars and fifty cents. Thanks a lot!!
They were good.