
Time for Yoshitaka to give praphecy.
 It is like a press conference

The second one

Next, Ms. Ester Kato gives us her testimony!

The third one

Next, Mr. Noah Kato’s testimony.

The fourth one

Lastly Noemi gives her testimony!

Special praise

Beraka sings “Live together”.

Short message

Short message of pastor Kobayashi.


イスラエルチーム聖会 日程は以下のとおりです。

場所:ダン・エルサレム・ホテル(Dan Jerusalem Hotel)
日時:11/5(水)19:30~ 夜の聖会

11/6(木)19:30~ 夜の聖会

住所:32 Lehi St, 97856 Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Tel: +972-2-5331234  Fax: +972-2-5815947

Special Mission Team

We went to Megiddo, and we had fellowship time with Philip!

Special song

Ms. Aya Senoguchi 「The Holy City Jerusalem」


Short message Mr. Nagato
Deuteronomy 6:2~9