Filming   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:21


JOhn is filming!
I am looking forward to the film!

Salad   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:23

I heard it was small salad, but it is not so small.
That is like American.

Zip rice   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:29


Meat, Meat, Meat!

One after another   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:31

Meal is coming. This is Korean salad!

Surprise   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:34


Pastor Suzuki surprised for the amount of sandwic!
I took a souvenir picture of him.

Hawaiian Rahmen   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:36

It is called Saimeen.

Because he is hungry   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:41


Because he is hungry David bit into chicken!
Don’t worry, it’s all yours!
( ̄▽ ̄)

Unusual   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:45

We are taling as we see the plate of Pastor Nagato. The amount he eats is different from usual! It is less than usual! That what they say.

As senior high‐school students   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:46

Ms. Okino says they look like senior high‐school students.

Stop over   2013/2月/19 [火] 20:53

Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki says they listen to “Stop over of Christians” on Homepage of Antioch church. “We listened to Pator Suzuki’s talk too!” they say.