寝る前に   2013/2月/19 [火] 18:44


雨が   2013/2月/19 [火] 18:47


Where is everyone?   2013/2月/19 [火] 18:49

We need a special key to enter this room. After first goup entered, the key has locked, and other people could not come up.

Strong wind   2013/2月/19 [火] 18:55

The wind is strng today!They say it is unusual in Hawaii. The venue is the roof of the building, so it will be a meeting in the wind.

Necklace   2013/2月/19 [火] 18:58

Every member of the team was given a necklace!!

Setting   2013/2月/19 [火] 19:03

Setting for the meeting has completed!
We are thankfull that we can have a meeting with full set of machinery and materials!

PA   2013/2月/19 [火] 19:06

Pastor Nagato takes charge of PA!He is checking sounds.

Meeting has started   2013/2月/19 [火] 19:09

The meeting has started! This is the first Charismatic meeting in Hawaii in the second stage of oversea mission!
MC is Pastor Suzuki.

Who leads praise is   2013/2月/19 [火] 19:11

Yuki leads praise of first half.

Special praise   2013/2月/19 [火] 19:15

This is the highest place Gifts has ever sang as special praise.
Three songs as “When the time has come” “Great love” “In the shining light”.