In first : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:25


The CH group goes to the airport with a bus of the rental-car shop. The members in the CH group has already sit on the bus.

Blogger : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:27


Our bloggers also divide into two groups.

John’s charge of the UA group.

Bus : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:28


The UA group got on the bus.

Already : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:30


People has already lined up in front of the check-in counter of the China Air. So, we give thanks to the Lord.

Aisle seat : UA group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:31


All of us could take the aisle seats.

Without problem : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:34


We found our way to the check-in counter without problem.

His name on the tag : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:36


The clerk said that he should fill out his name on the name tag. So, Hajime fills out his name on it.

Bung up : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:39


Hajime bungs his luggage up.

Finished security check : UA group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:40


We’ve finished the check-in procedure.

Pastor Paul bought the newspaper.

Aisle seats : CH group   2013/2月/22 [金] 08:42


The China Air group could take the aisle seats.