We are ready   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:17


Preparation has done.
Each has a meeting.

To a paring lot   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:22

Today,we park our cars at another parking lot little far, because a parking lot belong today’s meeting place are charged.

In front of the meeting place   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:23

We met Yuki in frong of the meeting place.

Arrived at another parking lot   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:24

We have just arrived at the parking lot.

Parking our cars   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:26

We could park two cars!
Pastor Nagatoh knows very well.

YWCA   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:28

In front of our parking lot, there is a building that we used to have the Holy meeting here before.
They close earlier than before, we can not use here.

People who went to the parking lot   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:30

The member who went to the parking lot returned to the meeting place.

Before the Holy meeting   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:32

A rainbow are appeared in front of our eyes before the Holy meeting!

ホテルへ   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:32



Participants   2013/2月/21 [木] 16:35

People are assembled.
The Holy meeting will start soon.