Current Location   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:21

There are so many squirrels.q

Red leaves   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:26

Autumn are deepend in London! It stopped raining.

2nd point   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:29

Under Big Ben!

Declared   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:32

Declared the word of God

Go to the next point   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:34

We go to the other point on foot.

榊さんオススメの   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:34


Rest area   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:40

We have a break useing restroom. That was the pay toilet.^ ^

3rd point   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:41

This is Westminster Abbey.

Praise the Lord!   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:47

We have rejoiced, given thanks and shouted of praise for starting the plans of God in London.

London’s eye   2012/11月/10 [土] 12:50

This looks like ferris wheels but we can ride on 25 persons in a gondla.