At last   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:25


The number of the cash desk are displayed.

Today’s dinner   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:27


A hand-made burger with many gradients!

Party   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:28


We have dinner with our bringing foods in a triple-room.

Pastor David   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:28


Pastor David has come to the hotel!

Having a meeting   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:49


The talk becomes animated.

Question   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:49


Pastor Hikaru asks the reason why Pastor David has come to Tokyo before.

Israel   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:50


They are talking about Israel.

Publications   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:51


He explains about ECI’s publications.

Tom Hess   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:52


Pastor David is a good friend with Tom Hess.

Visiting Japan   2012/11月/09 [金] 23:52


Pastor David will come to Japan from the end of Nov. to Dec.