For team   2012/11月/09 [金] 14:57

We have more specific prayers.

To lounge   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:14


Our flight boarding will begin in about one hour! 6 persons are heading for a lounge.

Film team’s tool   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:20

We thought its need when we went to Korea in 2010.

I found the transceiver in iPhone application!

We aim the best shot with collaboration!


Grace in lounge   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:22

We have grace. This soup is delicious.


Shrimp salad   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:24

Shrimp salad and chicken are delicious, too.


Snacks   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:28

Potato chips and pretzels are all we can eat!

I concerned about taking much calories.


Pastor Paul Akimoto   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:29

He feels at home.


到着   2012/11月/09 [金] 15:59


予想待ち時間   2012/11月/09 [金] 16:02


ハレルヤ   2012/11月/09 [金] 16:30
