Thanks A Lot! See You Later!   2014/04/18


After the team left for Fance, I got Japan-sick a little and then was in foggy state, but circumstances were tough! Because I took 3 days off, a heap of work to do was waiting for me. Because the school Noemi goes to is in Easter Holiday, I go to work with my daughter as a mother! That is Noemi who is sitting on the chair of my boss who is absent now. Prague holy conference was blessed super-abundantly!  Two Japanese families got to promise to come to worship service of Prague Church! Pastor Paul! All of team members! Thank you so much!  My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, who did earnest intercessory prayers!  My beloved every member of Gifu Church!  I really appreciate! And the Lord, the best of the best! I give my heartfelt thanks to You! Chvalte Hospodina! (Praise the Lord! in Czech)