At the meeting

Pastor and his wife of another church came over at today’s meeting; we had a time of blessing.  Pastor Paul had met them long time ago.

After the meeting

After the meeting, we are moving by subway.


We headed for dinner.  We went to a restaurant that Sister Hasegawa booked for us.

We enjoyed it

We enjoyed dinner.

Returning Japan temporarily

Sister Hasegawa says she will return Japan temporarily on the same day of the team’s return.   If the team arrived one day later than today, she wouldn’t make it.  There was the leading hand of God on that.





Message In Paris

The message Pastor Paul delivered was from Isaiah 55:11 and about doing prayer based on Scripture, standing firm on the word of the Lord with testing and so on.


Good Morning

Good morning. Today, the team has only one hour connection time in Turkey. Only Brother John will return through Germany by Lufthansa. Please pray for each.

