


Suzan-san is bringing a testimony of healing  (^_^)


A testimony by Suzan san!

Short message


A short message from Hebrew 12:25 by Peter Kubota san.

Thanksgiving to God

Hebrew 12:25
“do not refuse him who speaks”

“Turn your eyes to the heaven”

God is speaking to me

Short message


A short message from Acts 12:1-17 by Isaiah Kihara san


Donation from the general,  high schools were given to the Corner Stone Orphanage.

Donation was specified for Kai-kun.

I appreciate that.

Special praise by Tree of life

She sings a praise song “my treasure” which was given on the last year’s Israel team.

Special praise

A special praise
♪ Word of God ♪ by Israel

Word of God

“The Word of God will be certainly fulfilled ..

The grace of God will fill the earth”
