We walk some more

I wonder how many are joining us later.
Many people take part in Israel team this year, too!

Hotel group – Pagoda

Peter’s fish

Aren’t you staying too close to each other for the Photo?

Tour grouop

Lunch time

Everybody is eating St. Peter’s fish without talking.

Tour group

To the boad

We are going to take on the boat now.
We will head to Tiberias across the Sea of Galilee.

Tour group

Stopping the boat

We will give praise to the Lord〜♪

Tour group

Meditation at the seashore

It seems each one has his or her own place.

Hotel group

プレイバック ツアーの思い出





Fully enjoy!\(^o^)/


We really enjoyed a voyage of the Sea of Galilee. \(^o^)/

Tou group

Many blessings!

There were many blessings in the voyage. \(^o^)/
Worshiping God at the Sea of Galilee was wonderful.(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I want to ride on the ship again.♪

Tour group

He has entered …

Many fishes come to them~!
Eri-kun has entered the Sea of Galilee. (^^)