The holy Communion   2013/6月/13 [木] 02:46

We are having the time of the Holy Communion tonight as well.

満席   2013/6月/13 [木] 02:47


試練   2013/6月/13 [木] 02:54


Offering   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:02

It’s the time of offering!

神の奇蹟   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:03


真の希望は   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:07


Special praise   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:09

Come&Worship plus Gifts ?are bringing a special praise song!They are singing a song titled “Yearning for a heavenly home.”

Testimony   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:15

Ms. Ruth Yumino is giving her testimony in English.

Praise singing again   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:17

More than 1o local people have come to the meeting.

Greatly blessed   2013/6月/13 [木] 03:21

The holy meeting at Dresdene is being greatly blessed!!