Till the time of boarding   2013/6月/18 [火] 23:30


We have free time till the time of boarding!

To lounge   2013/6月/19 [水] 08:51


We entered a lounge.

Grace by 1K   2013/6月/19 [水] 08:54


We were able to check our baggage 4 hours before by 1K.

Check blogging   2013/6月/19 [水] 08:55


Pastor Paul checked blogging at the lounge.

SAS lounge 2   2013/6月/19 [水] 08:58

SAS lounge 3   2013/6月/19 [水] 08:58

Short movie   2013/6月/19 [水] 09:00

Pastor Hikaru looks relaxed because he finished to make our movie of German and Czech.

Short movie 2   2013/6月/19 [水] 09:01

John is going to make our movie of Finland.

SAS lounge 4   2013/6月/19 [水] 09:02

Helsinki Vantaa Airport   2013/6月/19 [水] 09:02