America Team starts!


Pastor Akimoto’s seat is an aisle seat.

Majikina and Masukawa’s seats are a window seat and a middle seat.



Arrived at LA safely


We rent a car. I though if we went to the main road, it would be easy. But Pastor Akimoto said, “Maybe, this way”. When we followed his word, it was right!


Arrived at Meeting Place Safely



They are in rehearsal.



Jeshurun, she is praising in English.

The wonderful presence of the Lord pours out!


Pastor Sasaki


It’s a time of a short message.

The staff in the immigration office had strictly checked the online service in Tokyo Antioch Church to renew the missionary visa of Pastor Akimoto. However the visa was renewed by the hand of God. She shared about the testimony.

Pastor Akimoto’s message


He brought a message from Genesis 12:1-4 to obey the Word of God.


Long time no see


Now we were going to have dinner that a certain famous company’ president invited us. She always prays for Pastor Akimoto, Pastor Kubota and our church members.


Toro, Maguro and Raw Fish


Here, sea echinus on the right side!


Arrived at Dennver


We could meet Pastor Kamidate, Bro. EJ, and Naomi!

Rocky Mountains


This place is 1,500 meters above sea level.
The air is thin and the air resistance is weak. So it is good for playing baseball game, we could hit many home runs!